Does this thing still work? Hello? Am I live?

Okay, cool. Right on. Let’s get this started! Wait, you’ve been recording the whole time? You’re kidding me.

OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, here we are WEEEEEELLLLLCCCCCOMEE BACK to JAM Imagery! I’m your host, photographer, videographer, runner, sad sports fan who just wants ONE good thing to happen to literally any of his teams (that good thing is undoubtedly a championship in case you were wondering), JAKE MEYER!

Anyways, thanks for letting me reintroduce myself. Everyone should take photos towards the end of the year! What better way to reflect on the year than to take 20 minutes and spend it capturing tangible moments that show the end of a decade. Whether you are taking Christmas Card photos or New Years (New Decade?) photos, let JAM Imagery be the one to capture those for you!

Here are some pictures that I’ve gotten to capture for people recently. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

If you’re interested in taking photos for the Holiday season, you can book here!