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Vienna Waits for You

*cue Billy Joel*

Currently studying abroad in Vienna, Austria and all I have to say is WOW. This place is absolutely phenomenal; it is truly a photographer's dream! Here are some of the pictures from the two days I was in Vienna. We saw Schönbrunn Palace, Belvedere Palace, visited the U.S. Embassy, visited the United Nations buildings, went to Hapsburg Palace, and saw so much more! The Opera House and Town Hall were spectacular, along with the Parliament building. Scroll on through to see our adventures!

Here are some buildings I've made panoramas out of.

Vienna may be known for the coffee, schnitzel, and white wine, but I have found some beautiful flowers to photograph. 

The people I'm traveling with aren't so bad either.

And look, mom, I even made it in a picture!

Taken at Schönbrunn Palace

We're off to Salzburg tomorrow. Thanks for waiting for me, Vienna. 

*cue the Sound of Music*